

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I can not believe I just did that

Titinius get on your horse and ride to see if those troops by our camp are friends or villians. Titinius told me that he will be as quick as he can and he leaves. What happened to Titinius he could be back, Pindarous get on that hill and see where he is. Pindarous says that he is surrounded by people on horseback and I know that he has been captured by the enemy. Come down from that hill Pindarous. How could I send my best friend into the arms of the enemy, I can not live with myself anymore. Pindarus stab me when I am not looking and the sword that had killed Caesar will kill me.

It's about to go down

I am talking to Antony and Octavius before we start the war and all of them are talking smack, they feel that their side will win. I try to talk some smack back but, I feel they do not see me as an enemy. Octavius dares us to fight him and then Antony and him leave. I talk to Brutus and we know that everything is at stake. I talk to Messala and told him that today is my birthday and I feel that I am going to die. I saw ravens, crows, and kites I said which are not good signs in my mind. Brutus and I talk and we know that this may be the last time we see each other so we leave on a good manor.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Great Caesars Ghost!!

After Brutus and I had our arguement we both appogiezed to each other and we made up and said we were sorry for the ill beginning of the night. Brutus says that everything is well and we I say good night my lord. Then after I leave Brutus sees a ghost and tells him that he better meet him at Philippi and he is not one to turn this down.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cassius and Brutus fighting

Brutus and Cassius talking
Brutus do not even temp me I may do something I may regret. You have not done anything to regret yet. I have denied you and I am sorry I just get mad some times. Brutus is pointing out my faults and I deny that I have any. Brutus says that he will forgive me and says that it was a result of a bad mood. We both spoke in bad temper and they both make up. I find out that Portia is dead and to my surprise Brutus seems to show very little emotion.  Brutus and I start to talk about how we want to start the war whether we meet Antony and Octavius at Philippi or if we wait and let them come to us. In the end Brutus has the final decision and he says that we are to meet them at Philippi. Then they say good night and they both leave in good temper.

Cassius fighting with Brutus

 In the tent, Brutus and I am talking about how he has done me wrong. Brutus thinks that I am greedy but I deny it. Brutus starts to talk about the ides of March and how they killed him for the justice and he says he would rather be a dog and a bay the moon then to be a corrupt Roman. Brutus do not provoke me," I am a soldier, I,/ Older in practice, abler than yourself/ to make conditions./ Brutus says that he is better than I say I forgive myself because i know that if we were to fight that I would lose. Brutus has it come to this Brutus you say I am a better soldier you wrong me every way I never said I was better. Brutus really does not care what I think.

Cassius has arrived

Everyone stand! Brutus you have done something that has upset me very much. I think that we need to discuss this in private. So the soldiers do not see us arguing so they think we will be able to win this war. Brutus agrees and he gets Lucilus and Titinius to make sure no one enters the tent while Brutus and I talk.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Everyone to Caesar

The assassination of Caesar
Metellus is begging Caesar to let his brother come back to Rome but Caesar will not budge he says he is "as constant as the north star". Brutus, Cinna, and I also start to beg to Caesar to see if he will change his decision but he does not. This was a test to see if he was really that mean and if he did not change his mind they were going to go ahead with the killing because it showed Caesar would not even let his closest friend get something. So they all stab Caesar. The conspirators go through out the street yelling Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!

Cassius to the rest of the conspirators

The conspirators are ready for the assassination to take place and Popilius says "I wish your enterprise today may thrive" to Cassius. He tells the rest of the conspirators and they think that their plot has been discovered and some of them are getting cold feet. But then he goes over to Caesar and is talking to him and they are positive they have been found out. Then Caesar starts to laugh and I know that Popilius is on their side. The conspirators are relieved.

Cassius goes to Brutus's house

Brutus meeting Cassius and the other conspirators outside his house

I go am on my way to Brutus's house with the conspirators and is trying to convince him to join his anti-Caesar party. Brutus has been up all night thinking of what to do. I also bring the rest of the conspirators and plan out the assassination of Caesar, but they do not have much time only a couple of hours. They discuss all of the parts that they will have to do to make this a successful assassination, I know that Brutus is now on his side and he knows that the assassination is going to take place in a few hours

Tonight feels great

Cassius and Casca talking in the street
I do feel that tonight is going very well and it is very pleasing and I do not fell that tonight is an omen or that something weird is going to happen as Casca does. I start to talk about Caesar but I am trying to do it in a way that no one will find out that I am talking about him.  But Casca knows that I am talking about him and know he knows that I dislike Caesar. I am trying to convince him to put the letters in Brutus window because I would rather him get caught them me and he is to stupid to figure it out. I now have more people who are on my side(anti-Caesar).